Ballot Issues
Statewide Results
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11 Statewide
Amendments and Propositions
Your ballot asks you to vote 'yes' or 'no' on 11 Colorado Statewide ballot measures. (For full text, click to see the Colorado Blue Book.)
Shown below are the recommendations of the Colorado Democratic Party on those 11 measures.
Ballot Measures for
Douglas County Voters
County Results
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Ballot Issue 1A: County
Shall the existing Douglas County Sales and Use Tax of 0.17% for parks, trails, historic resources and open space be extended for another 15 years? This ballot measure is consistent with Democratic values supporting and protecting our open space, environment and preserving the natural beauty and history of Colorado.
The Chair of Douglas County Dems encourages you to vote 'Yes" on this ballot measure.
Ballot Issue 1B: County
Without increasing taxes, shall Douglas County have authority to partner with third parties offering services such as high speed internet, cable TV or other telecom services with existing or new County infrastructure. This ballot measure may help enable our county to leverage federal funding from the Biden administration to provide improvements to communications infrastructure and benefits to county residents.
The Chair of Douglas County Dems encourages you to vote 'Yes" on this ballot measure.
Ballot Issue 5A: School District
Shall Douglas County School District taxes be increased in 2023 and thereafter to attract and retain quality teachers and staff by making school district salaries and benefits more competitive with neighboring school districts.
The Douglas County Democratic Party endorses a "Yes" vote on this measure.
Ballot Issue 5B: School District
Shall Douglas County School District debt be increased to perform critical capital improvements, implement safety and security upgrades, construct and equip three new neighborhood schools, and implement other capital improvements as described in the district's bond priority plan.
The Douglas County Democratic Party endorses a "Yes" vote on this measure.