Caucus 2024
Instructions for Precinct Organizers
Dear Precinct Organizer (PO) or Precinct Organizers Assistant (POA),
Thank you for being a PO/POA of the Douglas County Democratic Party (DCDP). We are in a Presidential Election year and our county precinct caucus is where the 2024 elections begin. This page outlines activities of the caucus and how you play a very important role in this all.
Register for Caucus
Have you registered for caucus? If not Register now. Please answer all the questions on your registration.
Caucus 2024 page will give you all the details.
We highly recommend that you sign up to either be a Precinct Organizer (PO) or a Precinct Organizer Assistant (POA). We can have 2 POs and 2 POAs per precinct.
Please sign up to be a delegate as well. The single responsibility of the delegate is to nominate candidates for county wide race (Douglas County Commissioner District 2 and 3) on behalf of your precinct. You will be a delegate to both the County Assembly and Convention on March 27 2024.
Unable to attend Caucus ?
No worries. Go ahead and complete your registration. Fill out this In Absence : Request for Delegate and/or PO form.
We will make sure to include your info at the caucus during the delegate election.
Registration Confirmation
You will receive a registration confirmation email from DCDP. In that email, you will receive
a delegate application to be filled out
a link to the current DCDP platform
a form to submit your own statements to the platform. - Please work with your precinct ahead of time to fill out platform planks.
Zoom link to the event.
Day of Caucus
On the day of caucus, once you join the meeting with your Zoom link, you will go through the credentialing process first where your name on Zoom will be renamed with a prefix of your precinct number and your voting eligibility (VM for Voting Member and NVM for Non Voting Member).
The first portion of the caucus is in the general session where you hear from the candidates and go over the caucus rules and agenda.
We will do preference polls for CU Regent Race
We will elect Election Judges.
Recruit poll watchers and volunteers.
Then everyone is sent to a breakout room based on their precinct number. Each breakout room is based on a school community with 8 to 12 precincts per room.
Break out room Precinct Caucus
Each breakout room will have a chair and secretary run the caucus meeting.
Once in the breakout rooms everyone is given the opportunity to get to know each other in a smaller setting.
POs, POA, and Delegates are elected from each precinct, making sure every precinct has at least 2 delegates elected.
Each precinct gets 2 POs, 2 POAs and 2 Delegates.
If there are any unfilled delegate seats, we will ask caucus chairs to elect additional delegates from each breakout room.
Once the elections are over, each precinct is asked to submit a platform plank or a statement that is important to them. A discussion will be facilitated by your Chair.
Caucus Conclusion
After your breakout room session, you will join the main room where we will talk about
County Assembly and Convention on March 27th, 2024
Multi district Assemblies
Congressional District Assembly and Convention on April 11, 2024
State Assembly and Convention on April 13, 2024.
Any additional candidates may be given opportunity to speak
Display results of caucus election.
Adjourn Caucus meeting