Mid-July 2022 News from Douglas County Dems
Douglas County Fair Parade
Saturday July 30th in Castle Rock.
Please come join us. Our signage will be all about our candidates. We will need people to carry the banners for each of our HD, SD and County Candidates. We had between 50 and 60 folks walking in the HR July 4th Parade. Let's have that and more.
Get the details and sign up on our mobilize link.
August 5, 6, and 7 Douglas County Fair
Friday to Sunday: Spend time at the Douglas County Fair Marketplace with the Douglas County Democratic Party.
We need folks to sign up to help out with the booth. We will have local candidates there and hopefully there will be some statewide candidates join us throughout the weekend. Get the details and sign up on our mobilize link. Additional information will be provided to those who sign up.
If you'd like to donate candy please let me know. https://www.mobilize.us/dougcodems/event/476063/
Sunday July 24th Fun-raiser for Ruby Martinez
Support Ruby Martinez, our HD 45 candidate.
YOU are invited.... Ruby Martinez Our Candidate for House District 45
When: Sunday July 24 2-4 PM Where: 7970 Hillview Street, Parker, CO 80134 There will be ice cream, donkeys, and good exchange of ideas! Please join us.
Sunday July 24th Fundraiser for Bob Marshall
3:30pm - 5:30pm
at the residence of Indira Duggirala, DCDP Secretary and Chair of South Asian Democrats of Colorado
You'll have an opportunity to hear from Douglas County Democrats before Bob addresses our guests. We are looking forward to seeing you and thank you for your support.
And visit Bob's campaign website here.
We are utilizing the online event publicity platform at Mobilize.US as it helps us know who our active volunteers are. I suggest you go to Mobilize.US and sign up for an account. This way you can get regular emails telling you of events you might be interested in. It is a growing platform designed specifically for Democratic events. HELP WANTED - We at DougCo Dems are in dire need of an events coordinator.
If you are interested in this volunteer position, I would love to hear from you.
If you have an event you wish to have publicized in our occasional email newsletter – and/or this News blog – please email Angela at chair@douglasdemocrats.org.
Please don't hesitate to send a link to this News Blog to your friends and neighbors, and encourage them to contact us here to offer volunteer help.
We can make changes by joining together in solidarity.